November 2024 Update


November 30

Shipment on November 30: 6 boxes of hospital supplies sent to Kyev-Sumy and 2 - for peoples in Kharkiv and Lviv.

Total cost: $981.65 Total weight: 325 lbs. Contents: Dressings and gauzes, IV supplies, surgical sutures, medical gloves, enteral feeding, also games and toys for the children centers in Kharkiv oblast.


November 27

On Sptember 27th we sent eight large boxes, weighing a total of 332 lbs, to Kharkiv. Our partners in Kharkiv have provided a photo report confirming the receipt of the shipment. All medical supplies have been distributed to frontline medics and local hospitals.


November 24

Our partners in Kharkiv and Lviv have shared a photo report documenting the lasting shipments. All medical supplies have been successfully delivered and distributed to frontline medics.


November 22

We are in process of restarting ground operation in Ukraine.

More details will follow soon.


November 19

From our partners in Ukraine:
Vezha - волонтерська мережа

Наша команда дуже вдячна сім'ї Юлії і Алексу та фонду Global Disaster Relief Team за їх медичну підтримку України. Вже на постійній основі ми отримаємо від них посилки з різними медичними товарами: обладнання рукавички, катетери, перев'язка, шприці, хірургічні витратники та інше. Все це ми направляємо туди де потребують, переважно це лікарні, але також і людям. Коли в країні йде війна, попит на такі речі величезний.

Хочемо подякувати їх за невтомну працю, побажати успіху, сил та вдачі в їх благодійній справі. Завдяки Вам багато хто отримав допомогу.

Також дякуємо Гуманітарна Нова пошта за можливість відправити посилки куди потрібно.

Разом до Перемоги!


November 18

Shipment on November 18: 6 boxes of hospital supplies sent to Odessa.

Total cost: $585.30. Total weight: 206 lbs. Contents: Dressings and gauzes, special feeding, respiratory supplies, warmers and medicines.


November 13

A week ago, on November 1, we sent another shipment of medical supplies to Kharkiv and Lviv. Around the same time, packages from our Amazon Wishlist started arriving from you, dear friends. On Friday evening, two donors from New Hampshire (New Boston and Milford) reached out, letting us know they had a new batch of donations ready for pickup. Since I was heading north on Saturday after classes, I took the opportunity to stop by Dr. Boris's. He had two BiPAP ventilators and related supplies ready for us.

Initially, I didn’t plan to ship such large equipment by myself , but early Friday morning, my husband returned from NC, set them up, tested everything, and confirmed they were in working order. So, over the weekend, we labeled boxes, packed everything, and prepared for dispatch. These ventilators are essential for the medical team on the front lines.

On Monday, November 11, we delivered everything to Meest, where it was immediately loaded onto a postal truck. Ten boxes went as humanitarian cargo to Kharkiv, including ventilators, their consumables, bandages, and special nutritional items. Additionally, we sent 4 more boxes: a package for Kira in Lviv, two boxes with clothing, toys, and craft supplies for Zhenya in Kharkiv, and surgical supplies specifically requested by Sergey in Lviv. I also evenly distributed everything you sent over the week—warmers, gauze, bandages, and medications—into each package. I’ve set aside some supplies for Odessa, which will go out at the end of this week.

In just five days, we received 15 packages from friends, including Yelena Samisheva, Amanda Ray, Yelena Postolova, Michael Katz and Irina Katz, Alexey Makogonov, Maria Minchenko, Maria D., and others who sent gifts anonymously through our Ukraine Wishlist. Thank you all for your help—everything is now on its way!

10 boxes, 553 lbs, $1681.17.


November 5

Shipment on November 01: 6 boxes of hospital supplies sent to Kharkiv and one to Lviv.

Total cost: $772.87. Total weight: 267 lbs. Contents: Dressings and gauzes, IV and surgical supplies, catheters, special feeding.

Special Thanks: Our gratitude goes to Dr. Boris Bronfine, Kristen Rand Woods, Carolina Jaromillo, Vadik Soldatov and Alexandra Obraztsova for donating the medical supplies.



December 2024 Update


October 2024 Update